Reading Recommendation N°2

"Tomorrow's Meatball" by Space10

Writing on Food & Design: “Food Futures”

In this new review series about publications that write about food and/or food and design, we have asked our international correspondents to share their most inspiring publications with us! The first to share her food and design reading recommendations is our Food & Experience correspondent Maud de Rohan Willner.

Food Futures: Sensory Explorations in Food Design” by Gemma Warriner and Kate Sweetapple is a collection of food design work by various designers who explore sensory features within food & design.

“How much do our senses come into play with every bite we take?” asks Jinhyun Jeon, designer of Sensory Appetiser. By looking into the ways we consume food and exploring how to make it more of a sensory experience, Jinhyun created a series of individual tableware elements to wake up the senses in our mouth. One of my other favourite projects is Tomorrow’s Meatball by Space10. They’ve put together a series of speculative suggestions for the (not so distant) future meatball which we are actually already exploring: the Wonderful Waste Ball, the Mighty Powder Ball, the Urban Farmer’s Ball, the Nutty Ball, the Lean Green Algae Ball, the Crispy Bug Ball, the 3D Printed Ball and the Artificial Meat Ball. These are all future and current food trends looking for ways to be more sustainable.

Caro de Waal

"Living Food" by Minsu Kim

A few other projects include a Soba Allergy checker tattoo will allow foreign tourists to detect if they are allergic to soba (buckwheat noodles), textiles inspired by cuts of beef (Tomomi Tokuyasu), a food waste dying system using a pseudo-intravenous injection device (Colour of Waste by KaCaMa Design Lab).

Many designs study human connections and interactions (Traces Dinner by Emilie Baltz), combining food and art experiences (Caro de Waal), education through food and design (Touch That Taste! By Martyna Barbara Golik), living food (Minsu Kim), food textures (Crystal Candy by Bertille & Mathieu) and much more. Definitely a good book to browse through if you want to explore how broad food design can be!

You can get your copy here.


Reading recommendation by Maud de Rohan Willner, founder of Salty Studio UK